Family homes and apartments

Are you building or renovating a house or furnishing an apartment and need help? You will really enjoy fitting it out with us!

Thanks to our vast experience and project references, we can help you arrange an interior that will be exactly to your liking.

To create your interior, you will have a choice of hundreds of products from more than three dozen trusted, premium-quality furniture companies, where we can guarantee preferential conditions..

Tell us what you need and describe your interior.

First consultation and budget preparation free of charge!

Implemented projects

About Us

Luxusní byt v centru Prahy

Luxusní dvoupatrový byt na Janáčkově nábřeží brzy projde kompletní rekonstrukcí. Naši designéři zde navrhli nový interiér ve vysokém standardu materiálů a kvalitního italského nábytku. Dominantním prvkem je zde dekor mramoru doplněný zlatými a bronzovými detaily. Pro zachování původního historického nádechu interiéru jsme se rozhodli ponechat velkorysé dřevěné schodiště a původní parketovou podlahu, které jsme zrekonstruovali a namořili do námi zvoleného odstínu. Hlavní koupelně dominuje původní trám obložený ve stejném dekoru dřeva, který je použitý ve zbytku interiéru.

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Developerský projekt Kamýk

Náš nejnovější návrh interiéru pro developerský projekt na Praze 4 ladili naši architekti do oblíbeného stylu Japandi. Jedná se o harmonický styl bydlení, v němž se snoubí funkčnost, jednoduchost a minimalismus s přírodou, kvalitou a útulností. Jeho název vznikl spojením slov japanese (japonský) a scandi (skandinávský), a přestože jsou tyto dvě kultury celkem vzdálené, jejich styly bydlení jsou si v mnohem podobnější, než by se mohlo na první pohled zdát.

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Apartmánový dům Orlík

Pro projekt apartmánového domu na Orlíku navrhli naši architekti luxusní interiéry. Dubový obklad stropu působí harmonicky s krásnými výhledy na jezero a do okolních lesů. Moderní kuchyňská linka rafinovaně splývá s obývacím prostorem díky chytře zvoleným materiálům na horní skříňky i obkladem stěn a interiérových dveří. Prostoru dominuje masivní betonový stůl a výrazná designová svítidla od českého výrobce Bomma.

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Developerský projekt Praha

Pro developerský projekt na Praze 5 jsme navrhli moderně vybavený vzorový byt. Jemné odstíny přírodních barev doplněné bronzovými doplňky dodávají prostoru nadčasovost. Kombinace bílé a dřeva nás nikdy neomrzí. Veškerý nábytek je navržený na míru v oblíbeném dekoru dubu, který je použitý ve všech místnostech. Celý interiér má tak jednotný vzhled a působí harmonicky. Na stěny jsme použili dekorativní stěrky a celý prostor doladili textiliemi v teplých barvách.

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Byty v Plzni

Developerský projekt kaskádového domu v Plzni, pro který naši architekti navrhli vzorový byt, se pyšní velkorysými terasami u většiny bytů. Vstup na terasu budou mít budoucí majitelé prosluněných bytů nejen z obývacího pokoje, ale také z ložnice. Interiér vzorového bytu navrhli naši architekti v moderním stylu a vybavili jej luxusním italským nábytkem od firmy Dall‘Agnese.

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Model apartments Prague 5

We designed a modernly furnished model apartment for a development project in Prague 5 in Hrozenkovská Street. Soft shades of natural colors will add timelessness to the space, so it will still look modern. When creating the visualization, our architects already worked with models of real pieces of furniture from renowned Italian companies, with whom we cooperate at No Limits Design. We can thus offer the future residents of the house in Hrozenkovská a complete furnishing of their apartment.

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Apartment house on Orlík

In addition to interiors, in which we are specialists, this time we also started designing the entire building of the apartment building in Orlík. Designing houses in nature, whether in the mountains or by the lake, is simply a joy. Especially when an investor gives you an assignment to create something that is supposed to be beautiful in the first place. Our architects designed a perfect layout solution for all 18 apartments, which are ingeniously connected by an internal staircase on three floors. The glass front wall gives the building a luxurious look and will provide the future residents of the apartments with a beautiful view of the dam.

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Family home in Písnice

We renovated the interior of an older family home for the purpose of more luxurious rental housing. We joined the living room with the kitchen by knocking out the partitions. We retained the original chimneys in the house and used them to visually separate the kitchen from the living room. We designed an island with pull-out storage space on one side and bar seating on the other. The vinyl flooring in concrete decor contrasts nicely with the white furniture surfaces and black accessories. Wood, on the other hand, makes the whole interior feel warmer. For the living room and bedroom, we designed slatted tiles that decorate the walls and articulate the large white wall surfaces.

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Apartment building at Na Chmelnici

As part of the study for the apartment building, we designed a facade with balconies on one side and only walls with windows on the opposite side. We connected the variously receded walls of one side of the façade with balcony panels that encircle the entire length of the house. The balconies project into the space in waves. The railings alternate between white wooden and glazed segments separated by beveled lines. The wooden decor on the balcony railing panels enhances the sophistication of the balcony design.

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Family home in Nová Ves

This is an interior project for a model home. In the design, we chose warm shades such as grey and cream, which then match any accessories chosen by the future owners. The elegant furniture in oak wood decor - cabinets, shelves and decorative slats on the walls, were completely made to measure. A bar counter with practical shelves and designer pendant lights helps to separate the kitchen and dining room while decorating the space nicely.

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Family home in Čestlice

A luxurious interior, in which we elegantly combine large-format ceramic tiles in Calacatta marble with a wooden floor. The ceiling of the kitchen and adjacent wall are also covered with wooden decor. In the bedroom, we proposed a wooden built-in wardrobe with open illuminated shelves. The luxurious Obitar pendant lights stand out thanks to the slatted wall paneling on the bedside tables. The entrance hall is again dominated by marble, which is complemented by golden elements such as the brass ceiling lights, the side table and the golden mirror frame of the custom-made shoe cabinet.

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House facade in Křenice

Another part of our job is to design the exteriors of houses. In this project in the Central Bohemia region, the client requested the creation of a night scene featuring LED strips under the roof overhang and the house number on the fence. The view of the house facade is enlivened by a glass entrance portal that brings light into the entrance hall. Here we combined white, anthracite and wood decor.

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Cascade House Pilsen

After the dancing facade of the barrier house, we also designed the facade of the cascade house for the construction project of apartment buildings in Pilsen. Again, the motif of glass balconies is repeated here in combination with a white facade and wood decor. We ourselves are curious as to what material we will ultimately choose for the wood decor. :) It has to withstand the weather, but also look good.

Implementation from A to Z

We will guide you through the entire process of furnishing your interior, from rough construction until you move in. Detailed design of the spatial layout including 3D visualization, budgeting and scheduling.
