
We will create an attractive working environment that will contribute to the success of your company. It will increase your employees’ efficiency and attract new talent.

We will design an efficient workplace layout, functional facilities and attractive representative areas.

Whether you need to revitalize your existing company layout, adapt it to new premises or furnish new offices, we will guide you through the whole process so that you can fully concentrate on your work and leave all the worries associated with the renovation to us.

Why revive your old office?

According to ABSL’s latest study, office appearance influences 4 out of 5 people when choosing a job.
Modernizing your premises can help in recruiting new employees. The performance of existing employees will increase by 20% thanks to office modernization, and the company will literally get a kick start. The company will gain a more prestigious position when negotiating with business partners.

Tell us what you need and describe your premises.

First consultation and budget preparation free of charge!

Implemented projects

About Us


Pro našeho klienta finanční a poradenskou společnost FinGo jsme navrhli a vybavili kancelářské prostory v Praze. Interiér jsme navrhli v moderním a hravém duchu s důrazem na korporátní styl a firemní barvy. Velký openspace jsme rozdělili pomocí akustických panelů a větších květináčů posazených na nízkých skříňkách. Efektivně jsme tak využili daný prostor a zároveň ho příjemně zútulnili. Do široké centrální chodby jsme umístili oblíbené akustické boxy, ve kterých může nerušeně probíhat jednání s klienty, nebo interní schůzky mezi zaměstnanci.

About Us


Pro předního organizátora veletrhů v ČR společnost ABF jsme navrhli 3 patra kanceláří pro zhruba 100 zaměstnanců. Ředitelské patro jsme navrhli ve vyšším standardu, kdy jsme korporátní barvu, červenou, tlumili jemným odstínem dubového dřeva a dekorativní zelení. Pro neformální jednání zaměstnanců jsme navrhli akustické sezení ve tvaru domu, který má v logu i jeden z nejvýznamnějších veletrhů, který ABF organizuje, FOR ARCH.

About Us

Pojišťovna Slavia

Pro Pojišťovnu Slavia navrhlo NLD novou podobu kanceláří pro zhruba 150 zaměstnanců. Pojišťovna Slavia se stěhovala z původních prostor do nových kanceláří na Praze 4. Bylo tak potřeba navrhnout spaceplan kanceláří a nové reprezentační prostory jako recepci, zasedací místnosti, kuchyňky pro zaměstnance a relax zónu.

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PVA Expo Letňany - Speaker corner

Na výstavišti v Letňanech jsme navrhli a vybavili nové konferenční prostory pro více než 200 lidí. Velký konferenční sál i dvě menší přilehlé místnosti budou sloužit k odborným přednáškám doprovázejícím jednotlivé veletrhy i pro soukromé akce. Celý prostor jsme navrhli tak, aby ladil se sousedící kavárnou Clara café. Jednotlivé interiérové prvky se tak prolínají v obou částech velké vstupní haly a tvoří spolu harmonický celek.

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OTK Kolín

We designed a meeting room with a relaxation area for Obchodní tiskárny Kolín. The space is divided in an interesting manner which is simultaneously complementary. The meeting area is dominated by a custom-made wooden wall with the company’s logo and photo wallpaper featuring the history of printers in Kolín. The shades of blue in the interior are based on the corporate color scheme. In the relaxation area of the meeting room, this blue color is paired with yellow to create a more relaxed atmosphere. Custom-made benches with comfortable cushions create a sense of wellbeing that employees deserve to experience when they are fully engaged at work.

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For Merida, a manufacturer of bathroom accessories, we furnished the new offices at the modern factory to which the company recently moved. The contract also included the design and customized manufacturing of a new reception desk, as well as the furnishing of the archive and changing rooms and facilities for employees.

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Děvín Hotel training center

For the Děvín Hotel in Mariánské Lázně, our designers also designed three rooms for corporate training and team-building. We used the entrance hall to also serve as a coffee break room, where clients can enjoy refreshments during training. Here, too, a custom-made logo forms the dominant element of the interior, designed in a similar spirit to the logo in the bar area. In the larger training room, we used a projection in the wall to line the entire wall and create interesting niches that match the chairs in the room. The meeting room at the Děvín Hotel, designed for corporate training and team-building, is dominated by a slatted wall with a television and original wooden shelves, which correspond in shape to the logo of the coffee bar in the next room. The custom-made board table also features the essential computer connections and the entire room is made cozier with comfortable NU designer armchairs.

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We designed and equipped two floors of offices for about fifty employees of the SPGroup financial holding. SPGroup wanted to move to its own premises in a newly built building at Pankrác, where entirely new office space was created for this purpose. The majority of these were management offices for the Group’s senior managers. No Limits Design completely equipped these offices with designer office furniture. In the lobby, we designed and commissioned a custom wall with the company logo.

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Bulovka Medical & Business Centre

No Limits Design equipped the new, modern premises of Bulovka Medical & Business Centre with furniture for the reception and lobby, waiting rooms for patients and facilities for medical staff.

Implementation from A to Z

We will guide you through the entire process of furnishing your interior, from rough construction until you move in. Detailed design of the spatial layout including 3D visualization, budgeting and scheduling.
